Co-stop, %CSTP:

  • This value represents the percentage of time that the virtual machine is ready to execute commands but that it is waiting for the availability of multiple CPUs as the virtual machine is configured to use multiple vCPUs.
  • If the virtual machine is unresponsive and %CSTP is proportionally high compared to %RUN, it may indicate that the ESX host has limited CPU resources, simultaneously co-schedule all vCPUs in this virtual machine.
  • Review the usage of virtual machines running with multiple vCPUs on this host. For example, a virtual machine with four vCPUs may need to schedule 4 pCPUs to do an operation. If there are multiple virtual machines configured in this way, it may lead to CPU contention and resource starvation.

-VMware KB: 1017926

About: John Borhek

John Borhek is the CEO and Lead Solutions Architect at VMsources Group Inc. John has soup-to-nuts experience in Mission Critical Infrastructure, specializing in hyper-convergence and Cloud Computing, engaging with organizations all over the United States and throughout the Americas.